The Center is a place for the serious meditation in the pursuit of intimacy with God in this life. We do this so that we can receive Gods healing power and the transformation this brings emotionally, psychological and spiritually.


Our Mission

To adapt a deep spiritual path similar to what the monastics have had throughout history to the lay persons life. We wish to awaken a deep and vibrant Christian mysticism in ordinary people who work and play and many of whom have families.

Welcome to The Center, a place for people seeking a deep meditative connection with God. It is for people who want deep and profound transformation, in the fire of infinite Love, and deep peace, and who are committed to sharing that peace with others.”

Three Practices

1. Meditation


Known as contemplative prayer this is the act of resting attentively and resting intentionally in the Divine presence. This meditation is taught at The Center. It is a simple approach based on the teachings of Jesus.

This meditation opens the door of the will, which is the center in us that gives God permission to dwell in us in an active trans-formative way.

Meditation allows that to begin happening and as it does you begin to be aware of the presence of Spirit moving in you- bringing you seasons and moods and energies and insights and inspirations. You are taught to co-operate with these movements, to allow them, and to participate in them.

This participation begins a co-operative journey that allows the Divine itself to influence you and progressively bring you into the fullness of who you are and your purpose here on the planet. While the details of the movement are different for each individual and the callings of each individual who comes to the Divine are diverse, what is common to all is the awakening of profound depths of peace, and of joy, of Love and healing. The spiritual path marks a sometimes gradual and sometimes quite sudden transformation that erases fears and judgments and jealousies, and awakens the inherent spiritual qualities common to all beings.

2. Self-Knowledge

The second practice taught at The Center is self-knowledge. Part of the path requires that we be willing to notice and take responsibility for our less than loving thoughts and feelings and actions towards self, towards the world and the people in it. To be on the path in an authentic way requires surrendering these motivations to God in order to be healed transformed or removed. We must become willing to not engage in them and let them go. If you find that willingness, and open your heart to God, then your life will begin to change and it will keep changing for the better for the rest of your life on the planet. You will be able to always look back and see how much happier or wiser or peaceful or present or quiet you have become. You will always have hope.

At The Center we teach a very simple approach for noticing ego manifestations and having them healed by the Divine itself. As you go deeper the Divine itself will begin to reveal them to you and remove them with you and in you. This is a level of purification that can be gotten in no other way than through intimacy with God, and that leads to a level of Love that also can be gotten no other way

3. Practicing the Presence of God

Instruction is given to help you to become permanently and habitually attuned to the presence of the Divine and its movements within you so that your whole life becomes meditation, becomes alive and vital and holy. This constant vigilance and constant attention and constant restfulness in God is very powerful because it is practiced all of the time, not just in the morning or in the night or when some pain comes up. This practice is the means of bridging the gap between heaven and earth, of bringing heaven too earth here, now.

On the spiritual path all are needed and all are valuable and the inherent value of your own soul is worth more than all talents and all abilities. There is nothing you can add to who you already are that could possibly make you more valuable or important. Your own soul is worth more than all things- but will you open up to it? Will you do the work that is necessary to uncover the great value that is your own true self and find the infinite God who lives inside of you and all things? You are invited to come and to find it and we will help you to do that.