How we fit into the scheme of things

At the Center we teach simple practices that if done with sufficient devotion and sincerity will lead one into direct connection with God. This does not mean just feeling the presence of the Spirit, it means direct connection and intimacy with the Divine itself, beyond words, beyond visions, beyond imagination. I believe that this capacity for union, for the fullness of Love in union with God is the purpose and reason for humanities existence.

Although the Center is ultimately non-denominational and inter-spiritual in nature we pull heavily from the Christian mystical tradition, most especially in the way or approach of gaining union with the Divine. Our approach to meditation, to spirituality, and to enlightenment is based on relationship with an infinite and Loving God. This approach emphasizes the quality of intention of the heart over and above the attention of the mind. It is said that the path of intention and devotion and Love can bring any person into union with God. In this approach there is no room for the concept of advanced or unadvanced souls, there is no room for the concept of karma or the punishing God. Here there is only room for Love and devotion and intimacy and surrender.

The path towards union with God emphasizes the draw of God’s Love pulling you into deep union, over your own personal efforts to climb the mystical ladder- although both are necessary. In this path we open the portal of our will to God and allow that power to come in and transform our minds and our hearts and our bodies into the original state of perfection that lies at the very core of everyone’s being.

The core of your being is immense light, pure Love and power held in existence by the presence of God itself which lives in the very center of our being. Our very natures are in a state of inter-being with the infinite God. There can be no real discovery of one’s own potential or purpose or even one’s own nature without the experience of the Divine itself. The infinite God, the transcendent absolute that moves all things and that sourced all things and that lies hidden in the depth of all things, lies in our own heart also. Spirituality is the discovery of this great power living within us and through us.

You can have perfect intimacy with God. You can come into the fullness of union with God. You are worthy and you are able to experience deep and profound peace, joy and Love, if only you will place your attention on it above other things, if only you can come to Love God with all that you are. The fact is that you already do Love God and you are already in union with God now, it’s just that the experience of it is covered by mental and emotional noise and the illusion of separation from God. There is no actual separation, there is only noise generated continuously by the egoic mind keeping the deep silence and fire of Love obscured and hidden.