Spirituality is real and for everyone

This is my first blog, it is a description of what it means to live in the power of Spirit--

Everyone can have a profound and intimate connection with the Divine.  There are no special people, there is no one who is favored by the universe, by God.  Anyone who chooses to can enter into the same union of the great saints and sages--if it is first in your life.

The way into union with God is simple and direct.  You attain to union with God by "asking."  The way in to God is through relationship with God.  This is why it is not for the skilled or the special.  It is through sincere willingness to be "friends" with God that transformation happens.

Relationship with God is intimate-- profoundly so.  The power of Love, and Life and Being itself will come and live inside of your body and your heart and your mind if you want it to.  "It" already does want to, but is waiting for your invitation. If you let it live inside of you it will begin to heal you and energize you and make you like itself, it will turn you into Love and Being and Life.

You do not have to be "worthy" first.  You come to this power as you are, not as you think you ought to be.  You come to it honestly without deception-- naked in spirit.

If you do this sincerely as a way of life then this power will dwell inside of you, make its home in you and begin a process of transformation that is radical and full and leaves you filled with joy and purpose and meaning.  This really happens, it is not a belief.

This relationship to God is what is missing in humanity.  I do not mean relationship to religion.  I mean relationship to power.  We are multidimensional beings.  What I mean by that is we are designed to live in multiple dimensions at once.  We are now aware of or centered in the earthy dimension only but it was never meant to be experienced apart from the "divine energies".

Once you become sensitive to these energies you can feel them in and among all of creation. Everything begins to take on meaning and purpose and is filled with life.  These many dimensions are actually one thing made up of many, many different aspects.  The power of God, or Love or whatever you choose to call it is the "one" energy that unites all things--in itself.  As your connection and awareness grows in this "one" power you begin to experience a union with all of creation.  You also begin to discern a "purpose" and a "movement" in that power working in the universe-- uniting it and leading it to some wonderful end. 

It is at this point that you begin to want to flow more cooperatively with this power now that you see its will is to lead us into itself, into participation in its light and power.  The vehicle is our own awareness of it and also the structures that form through creativity and sharing s that we exchange among one another.  Our life more and more becomes about participating in this power, sharing it with others through the use of our gifts and talents and most importantly our sincere desire for all of humanity to be lifted up into it.

The foundation of this "happening" is your personal commitment to  becoming aware of this power and allowing it to live through you in a way that perfects you and makes full use of your individuality.

Once you know this-- your whole life becomes about it and an adventure begins of truly epic proportions.

Thank you for reading this....